
特任研究員のWong さんが主著の論文“Ammonia oxidizers in the sea-surface microlayer of a coastal marine inlet”がPLoS Oneでオンライン出版されました。

神奈川県三浦半島にある臨海実験施設で行った海表面マイクロレイヤー(SML: sea surface microlayer)研究の成果です。アンモニア酸化反応は、海洋における栄養塩再生に欠かせない重要な反応で、海洋ではThaumarchaeota門の古細菌がその役割の大部分を担っています。海水中ではその分布が良く調べられていますが、SMLにおける分布は不明でした。本研究ではアンモニア酸化遺伝子(amoA)を指標にして、SMLに分布するアンモニア酸化古細菌の数や種類を初めて明らかにしています。直下の海水に比べて、数は少ないものの海水中とは明らかに異なる群集組成となっており、アンモニア酸化古細菌にとってもSMLが特異な生息環境であることが伺われます。

コルシカ島 SOLAS Summer School

Shu-Kuan Wong was selected to join the 7th SOLAS Summer School at Corsica, France from 23rd July- 4th August 2018. This year’s summer school brought together 65 aspiring young scientists and early career researchers from 23 countries. The aim of the summer school is introduce the participants to skills and knowledge needed to study the air-sea interactions. Participants are exposed to lectures as well as workshops and laboratory experiments including sampling onboard the French research vessel, Tethys II, off the coast of Ajaccio. Participants also share their work through poster and oral presentations. She also presented her current work on microorganisms in the Sea Surface Microlayer and Sea Spray Aerosol during the school. The interactions with lecturers and other participants have provided her with a lot of new perspectives in the field of air-sea exchange.

Outdoor poster presentation session

 French research vessel, Tethys II

Lab work on phytoplankton and zooplankton identification

View of the Mediterranean from the institute